Friday, December 14

Been a good week!

Things have really been hectic for for me this month, but it's been all good. Went to the 1Xtra/Radio 1 Xmas party on Weds night and that was a lot of fun! This year we were in a bowling alley, yep a bowling alley, which to me added a lot to the entertainment, as I'm not really the dancing type.

Gotta big up these peeps though.

Jenna G - The official queen of bowling

Rampage - The official dons of 1Xtra/Radio 1 Xmas party sets

Max - The queen of putting men in their place

And last but not least me the king of stealing peoples go at bowling haha

Last night I touched in the West side of the country - Bristol! Take my advice, if your looking for a hot night out on a Thursday Syndicate nightclub is the place to be. The place is packed wall to wall and the vibes are electric!

MC Juice, Me, Truplaya & Jasper

The Lazy Boy - Pyrelli doing his thing

Bristol ladies

Tonight its all about my show on BBC Radio 1Xtra from midnight, I have an exclusive phone interview with Teedra Moses going out, so be sure to tune in!

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